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Pioneer in bioelectronics

BioChip Systems is a research-driven provider of bioelectronic applications. Founded by Prof. Dr. Bernhard Wolf together with Alphaville Capital, BioChip Systems builds on 30 years of pioneering work in bioelectronics. We offer solutions for health care, drug research, bio- and environmental analytics and consumer applications.


We believe in a future coalescence of of biology and microelectronics. Our work is inspired by nature - just like the
muscles of the human body and the 100 billions brain cells are controlled through 
electrical and biochemical impulses.


BioChip Systems focuses on bioelectrical sensor and actuator technology.
We develop applications which allow for a broader set of parameters or enable more cost efficient measurements and smaller form factors than state of the art technology. Our sensors replace time-consuming laboratory tests.


BioChip Systems has a comprehensive library of biohybrid, multiparametric electrochemical sensors and Lab-on-Chip-Systems. In addition, we develop applications based on proprietary fluidic-systems, actuator technology and software systems. Our solutions are innovative with a clear implementation focus.

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